I’ve recieved payout on my bank account. But my bank requires invoice with detailed legal information: account number of sender\recipient and seal or sign of sender and recipient. Only invoice number and addresses of sides are not enough for my bank to approve transfer. I created ticket in the support, but after two days I have no answer. Has someone given additional information in the bank?
Our support email is under heavy load at the moment and it’s taking some time to process everything that’s coming in. If you direct message me your support ticket number I’d be happy to check up on it for you.
Maybe my question isn’t clear. I ment, invoice should be contersigned. This is the best example, what my bank requires: https://incodocs.com/blog/countersigning-proforma-invoice-purchase-order-documents-trade/
So, after 5 days support said they don’t give countersinged invoice, only self-billing. My bank is confused about it.
So, my bank discard payment due to absence of countersigned invoice. I can’t get my money and haven’t any help from support. Consider this if you want to use unity ads.
In addition, ad mob has entire help page about this problem - Get an invoice, statement, or payment receipt - Google Ads Help