Unity Ads not showing up on android build however it does show up on unity editor

Hi. I just made a simple app to test the ads. I have put up Interstitial Ad every time i click at a button it works flawlessly in the unity editor but while i build and run the same on my phone, it doesn’t show up. I used the same codes found on the unity documentation (Implementing interstitial ads in Unity) with no change. Set the button with a OnClick event for the button. i am using the unity 2022.3.10f1.

Also note that i have clicked at the test mode on and off that didnt work as well. Went to the unity monetization dashboard turned on test mode override as well. I have linked project with dashboard with the right id and
interstitial Id as well. Despite all this it refuses to work. So it will great if someone can please tell me how to fix it because i have been searching for almost a week now with no solution to this. Any help is much appreciated.

Thank you

Please make sure to call the Load method and ensure that the ad loads successfully before showing the ad. If you have done this and the problem persists, please provide the device logs for further investigation.

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I had the same EXACT problem. I solved it by changing the Mediation partner to “I only use Unity Ads.”

When I changed it, it started working immediately on my Android phone.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you add your device to the testing devices and turn on Test Mode while you are testing your app. If you don’t you may be flagged for fraud, and you don’t want that.

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I’m having this same problem. Thing is, my app has been on Play Store for a few months now (currently in the Open Testing stage), and the ads were running perfectly fine, until I had to upgrade my billing library and target API, which involved me updating the Google AdMob plug-in (currently V8.6.0 – it was previously V8.2.0). Now, the ads won’t play at all. How would updating the plug-in have disabled them somehow? My AdMob account says everything is fine, but there are no ads playing in the app itself, even though I haven’t changed any of the settings.

This fixed the problem for me. Thanks!