I have recently implemented Unity Ads into my android game, but it does not appear to be working. I have code that checks if and ad is ready, and if it is, enables a button to show an ad. When i launch my game on my device, the button is never enabled. Here is my code:
void Update () {
if(!Advertisement.isInitialized && button == "Revive")
Advertisement.Initialize("MY_GAME_ID", true);
if(Advertisement.IsReady() && button == "Revive")
GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().enabled = true;
GetComponent<BoxCollider2D>().enabled = true;
void OnMouseUp()
if(button == "Revive")
Advertisement.Show(null, new ShowOptions {
resultCallback = result => {
player.transform.position = insPlayer;
It works in the editor, but not on my device. Any ideas?
Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.