Updated through Package Manager to 3.4.2. Then I get this. What does this even mean?
Library/PackageCache/com.unity.ads@3.4.2/Runtime/Monetization/AndroidPlacementContentOperations.cs(101,41): error CS0433: The type ‘IUnityLifecycleManager’ exists in both ‘UnityEngine.Advertisements.Editor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’ and ‘UnityEngine.Advertisements, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’
Regarding this suggestion, I happened to face an issue where after removing the Unity Ads Package from the Package Manager, it simply can’t be found again for me to even add it back. How should I add it back? Thanks. (Unity 2018.4.18f1)
I can see advertisements in your 10.21.40 PM image, the other image you need to scroll up to see it. That error you originally got is because you have more than 1 copy of advertisements in your project. You likely installed it from the asset store and package manager. you should only install from 1 source, and ideally you should switch to package manager so that its easy to update in the future.
This has happened for all of my games since upgrading to the new version - 2019.3.10f1.
Is this a known issue? I can solve by removing Assets>Unity Ads, and the games will run, but I still have a ton of errors and I’m worried that ultimately there will be more issues down the line…
Please consider upgrading to the Packman Distribution of the Unity Ads SDK. The Asset Store distribution will not longer be supported after Unity 2018.3
Ten what i do is to window>Package Manager>Advertisement and install the 3.4.7. BUTTT; when i do this it returns the error of this post title. you have some ideas on how to solve it?
If you will Install the Unity Ads from the Package Manager then It will be nice for you because in this way you can easily update the unity ads when the update is available with just one button and Delete all the unity Ads folder from your Asset folder.
I am sure it will work for you …