1.My devices is iphoneX
2.I had try 3.4.6 and 3.4.0, both have this issue
3.full logs: I/UnityAds: +[UnityServices initialize:delegate:testMode:usePerPlacementLoad:] (line:48) :: Initializing Unity Ads 3.4.0 (3400) with game id 3xxxxx(–My Game id, I filled in the correct game ID) in test mode **I/UnityAds: -[USRVInitializeStateConfig execute] (line:167) :: Unity Ads init: load configuration from https://config.unityads.unitychina.cn/webview/3.4.0/release/config.json**__ I/UnityAds: -[USRVInitializeStateLoadCache execute] (line:205) :: Unity Ads init: webapp loaded from local cache E/UnityAds: +[USRVApiSdk WebViewExposed_initError:code:callback:] (line:42) :: Web application failed to load with error : Unity Ads SDK fail to initialize due to internal error E/UnityAds: +[USRVApiSdk WebViewExposed_logError:callback:] (line:57) :: Initialization error: Unity Ads SDK fail to initialize due to internal error 4.My ads code implementation: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; [UnityAds initialize : @“3xxxxxx” delegate : self testMode : true]; }__
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, would you be able to create an ads support ticket from your dashboard. So we are able to better to deal with your issue and you are able to provide us with more potentially sensitive information.
Hi everyone. If you are still experiencing this problem and seeing this error, please send us a Support ticket to unityads-support@unity3d.com and we’ll be happy to help you out. Thanks!
Hi Everyone. If you are still experiencing this problem and encountering this error, please send us in a Support ticket to unityads-support@unity3d.com and we’d be happy to help you out. Thanks!