So i published my alpha test app and unity ads is not working.
void Start()
Advertisement.Initialize(Googleid, testMode);
i set testMode to false for the alpha test. is this wrong?
logs file is attached.
6168932–675002–log.txt (35.6 KB)
so your error is this AndroidJavaException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: no static method with name='addListener' signature='(;)V' in class;
Given this is the first call to the sdk the likely occurrence of this is that your missing the native android library that ships with our sdk. How are you including the sdk, is it via Asset Store or via Package Manager? Are ads working for you in editor play mode?
Best guess is that you included via asset store and deleted the plugins directory or remove the android aar that our sdk is dependent on. Try re-importing the unitypackage you downloaded. If this is not the case, try providing some more details and I should be able to help you find a resolution.
I’m having the same problem, installed via package manager (Advertisement). Ads work on editor (even banners). JDK/SDK etc seems to be linked right.
Edit.- Well, Asset Store version seems to work well.