Unity Ads Shows Google Ad

Hello’s just perceived that when I started to show unity ads, it shows me google ads,
I did not install Google Admob SDK or etc.
also I perceived that this behavior runs when I enabled the IDFA tracking permission is allowed,

is it normal behavior to display google ad? or I missing something

AircraftCarrier[21620:7141063] I/UnityAds: +[USRVApiSdk WebViewExposed_logInfo:callback:] (line:70) :: afma: event=click, data={“url”:"https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?sa=L&ai=CI0v93qAUYsnJKo2Irr4P64WCqAHe-

Hello @hexdecc , thanks for reaching out.

To help determine what’s happening, could you provide: your full device logs, Unity Editor version, I assume you’re testing this on iOS, so if you could also provide your Podfile.

Thanks for sharing this with us.


Here you can see the fileses


Unity Version ; 2021.2.7f1
Unity Ads Version ; 3.7.5

yes I tested it on iOS

Project dont use podfile.only unity ads

Hi @hexdecc
I work on the Unity Ads Support team.
I just wanted to clarify that it is normal to see Google Ads from Google’s ad network, AdMob, even when you use only Unity Ads. They are one of our third-party ad providers. We don’t currently have any known memory issues with these types of ads on iOS.

Thank you for passing along the logs. Do you see this memory issue occur only when Google ads are shown? Do you see the “There can be only one active Event System” warning when viewing other ads from Unity?