Unity ads stack rewarded video effects

Good afternoon. In the process of integrating rewarded video into a unity game, I came across the fact that if there is more than one button with rewarded video in one scene, then the effects stack and overlap each other. I guess that the problem is in event listeners (Although the documentation clearly says: SDK versions 3.1+ allow you to register multiple listeners). I tried to write some method to control listeners, but they die every other time. Maybe someone can suggest a less painful way to integrate rewarded video more than 1 into 1 scene (since I have the whole game in one scene).

So you need to control your listeners in each scene. Whats likely happening is your in scene 1 and you add a listener. Then you transition to scene 2 and add a listener. When you next get an event, both listeners will be triggered. The SDK only knows your finished with the listener from scene 1 if you call removeListener.

tldr; All listeners are called for every event we fire, so call removeListener if you no longer want that listener to be called anymore.

Thanks a lot for your reply! I was construct some switch-case state pattern with removing and adding listeners. But sometimes I am facing with issue, what some listeners are not deleted. What can be related with that?
Also, I don’t have scenes separation and all my game is a one whole scene with some dialogues windows.