Unity Ads to display after a number of plays

in order to display ads after a number of plays what C# code should I write for unity ads? I would like for an ad to be displayed after every 7 plays. Thank you :slight_smile:

1- make an empty Game Object & attach this script to it :

   public class Data : MonoBehaviour{
   public static Data dat;
   public int counter = 0;
   void Awake () 
	if (dat == null) 
		dat = this;
	else if (dat != this)

now from your script that include GameWin function :

void Start(){
 pnlWin.gameObject.SetActive (false);
void GameWin()
     Data.dat.counter += 1;
     if(Data.dat.counter == 7){
     // play ad
     Data.dat.counter = 0 ;
     else if(detect if win by your way){
     pnlWin.gameObject.SetActive (true);
     else if(detect if lose by your way){
