Unity Ads work in Editor but will not load test or otherwise in builds

After adding Unity Ads 4.3.0 to my project and having it set up and functioning with the “This would be your ad unit” screen in the Unity Editor. On building I have not been able to get this to function.

logcat is showing:
2022/08/14 10:28:29.434 4345 25929 Info Unity Unity Ads initialization complete.

2022/08/14 10:29:00.183 4345 26261 Error UnityAds com.unity3d.services.core.api.Sdk.logError() (line:1) :: Show invocation failed: Placement not ready
2022/08/14 10:29:00.198 4345 25929 Info Unity Error showing Ad Unit Rewarded_Android: NOT_READY - Placement not ready

2022/08/14 10:29:00.214 4345 26261 Warn UnityAds com.unity3d.services.core.device.b.C() (line:6) :: Unity Ads was not able to get current network type due to missing permission
2022/08/14 10:29:00.765 4345 25929 Info Unity Error loading Ad Unit: Rewarded_Android - NO_FILL - Placement receives no fill

I have tried

  • adding required permissions for internet and external storage \
  • Ensure that your game initializes Unity Ads (see the integration documents for the appropriate platform).
  • Ensure that you are using the correct Game ID (note that these are platform-dependent; double-check that you are not using an iOS ID for an Android build or the other way around).
  • Wait for Unity Ads to be ready before attempting to show ads (it usually takes a few seconds to cache the ad).
  • Ensure that your device is connected to the internet.
  • Check the dashboard to ensure that Ad delivery is still enabled.
  • Use the IUnityAdsInitializationListener to ensure Unity Ads is fully initialized.
  • unity ads 3.7.5 and 4.2.1 - only consistent issue in logcat is “Unity Ads was not able to get current network type due to missing permission”

this has made no difference.
Anything else I can try?

I have had a tester be able to confirm it is running on their end. It would be really great if Unity Ads would fix it so it would deliver a test ad to the test device or some confirmation that it is functioning rather than sending ad load failed on a build so I could know it was working and didn’t have to rely on secondhand information.