Unity Ads works with OLD but not NEW Dashboard


I have enabled unity ads using the Services windows and have set up a test case.

Last time I configured unity ads i was using the old dashboard so I went in there and configured an android and an iOS app dropped the GameID’s into the Services window and everything works fine.

I then created a new app using the new dashboard, made sure testmode was set to “force on” and entered these ID’s . Now i get nothing when i try to show an advert. it seems that Advertisement.IsReady(“rewardedVideoZone”) never returns true.

Has anyone experienced similar issues?



For the benefit of anyone else with this problem.

The default id for a rewarded advert using the old system is “rewardedVideoZone”

The default id for the new system is “rewardedVideo”


If you use an example from the internet based around the old system then it may contain this subtle yet important difference