Unity AES encryption

I need help with AES encryption in unityscript/javascript.My project is written in unityscript so I can’t use C# code.I found this http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.security.cryptography.aescryptoserviceprovider.aspx but I don’t know how to use it in Unityscript.

you cant as this is a net framework class and thus only accessible via c#. however there is no problem writing a c# wrapper class that does what you want with aes and call it from unityscript. you may want to put the c# class in the plugin folder to let it compile before your us scripts so that it is usable from them.

in general i would suggest getting familliar with c# as it is the more consistent and powerfull language in my opinion. there is no advantage in using unityscript and as you see your are quite limited with additional classes like the ones provided in net/mono framework.