I am working on a game in which the player needs to code a cube, now I have asked this question before but I didn’t get a clear answer, I have tried many approaches such as:
using lua moon sharp(but I couldn’t figure out how to tell the object to goForward() for exp),
compiling the script(C#) on the fly(but couldn’t figure out what to do with the assembly, I don’t even know what an assembly is).
I have also tried codeDom, and I have a script that compiles string but I don’t know what to do with it.
so can somebody tell what is the simplest way to let a player write his own code(C# or lua or python) and then compiling it and applying it to a game Object (for now lets assume that there are no error or security problems) .
BTW I have already made a program that allow the player to write his source code and save it, and I do know how to take the source code and turn it in to a string.
It would be great if you will give a clear and detailed answer. and if can someone explain to me what is dll it would be great too
thanks for the help