Unity Analytics Dashboard + Event Manager still empty after days waiting for data population

Howdy, guys.

I set up a project with Unity Analytics last week with custom events. After a day of waiting upon setting it up, the data showed up on the project dashboard… but there were no custom event keys (1) in the dropdown option to filter the dashboard with, and (2) in the Event Manager.

Yesterday (which was Tuesday) at around 5PM, I decided to “reset” the Analytics, hoping that this will do something to refresh the Dashboard and later on make the custom events pop up.

It’s Wednesday now at 9PM, I waited and waited but there’s still no data populated in the dashboard. No custom event keys in the Event Manager too.

Any idea how to fix this? :frowning:

Here are some info to help debug this issue:

Unity version used: Unity 2019.3.1f1 (Pro)

Imported Unity Analytics Library v3.3.5 via Package Manager

Here is a code snippet of how I’m doing the calls:

Analytics.EnableCustomEvent(key.ToString(), true);
AnalyticsResult result = Analytics.CustomEvent(key.ToString(), values);

Variable “values” is of type Dictionary(key type=string, value type=object). It is not null and not empty when I use it.

When I log the result, it is printed as AnalyticsResult.Ok

And when I log Analytics.IsCustomEventEnabled(key.ToString()) , it also is printed as AnalyticsResult.Ok

But after waiting so long, the dashboard is still empty and there are no custom events recorded.
Please help.

I’m self-closing this issue now. I’ve contacted Unity Tech Support and it seems that there is no problem on my team’s side for the Analytics implementation. The problem was on their end, it seems.