unity analytics integration doesnt work

i know analytics is in beta but i just did the instructions in integration and setup but it really doesnt work when i start in editor. i use 5.1 version and i recieve no exception and error in editor but there is no change in analytics dashboard. im from iran and i know unity website has banned iran ip’s. i want to know is that the problem that analytics doesnt work for me or its public bug that unity has to solve.
maybe game analytics can be a good choice for working with but i found no good tutorial and simple project to understand from.
thank you for help

Hi @virtouso ,

Can you please open a support ticket here, Unity Cloud It will give me some information about your project that will allow me to look a little more into this issue.

thank you for answering. i have asked many questions there and i recieved no answers. the instructions are simple. i really dont know why it doesnt work