Unity Analytics not collecting data

Hello everyone,

I’m trying to set up Unity analytics on my game. I set it up following a tutorial made by code monkey but since then the data hasn’t been populated at all. I ran the game in the editor and I tested the game on multiple computers to generate traffic but it still shows no data collected. Is there anything I’m missing with the setup?

I am using Unity 2022.3.22f1.

Have you provided consent?

Check out this tutorial it includes a code snippet that you can use.

Hope this helps you out!

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I followed the steps in the tutorial and I created a UGS_Analytics gameobject. Then I created a UGS_Analytics script with the contents of the script as described in the tutorial. However, even though I ran the game in the editor and ran a new build of the game, there was no change in the analytics data on the unity cloud. Is there something I’m missing?

My problem got resolved. It took a couple of hours before the data was collected and populated on the page. Thank you Seb!

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