Unity Analytics - Parameter limits


We’ve setup Unity Analytics for a new project and have hit a few errors with sending events.

We haven’t seen references in the documentation for any limitations with custom event parameters, hence this post here.

The result errors we are getting are:

TooManyItems Analytics API result: Too many parameters.
SizeLimitReached Analytics API result: Argument size limit.
TooManyRequests Analytics API result: Too many requests.

We’ve tried to add more parameters into an event to avoid sending too many events (“TooManyRequests” error). As a result we got the “TooManyItems” error by sending too many parameters. As a work around we packed the parameters in a string, using string builder, however, we then got the “SizeLimitReached” error.

So, what is the exact maximum number of parameters that we can send in a custom event?

What is the maximum string size of a parameter?

How often can we send custom events so we avoid getting the too many requests error?

Our “biggest” custom event is sent when the score screen is hit. The parameters will include various xp, difficulty level values as well as completed level information values. This one we converted to send just a string using string builder. Although we don’t get any errors in the editor when sending the event, it is never actually registered or recognised in the Analytics Event Manager UI page.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hi @hvirtual !

All these things are detailed here: http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/UnityAnalyticsCustomEvents.html

Be particularly careful about sending highly variable strings: they will eat up your Analysis Point budget, and probably won’t be useful in analysis!

Hope that helps!


I’m not sure how you expect 100 events per user per hour to be enough.

UnityStandardEvents detail that you should be sending level_start, level_end, ad events (start, skip, finished), plus transaction events and any other events you want to track around inventory or UI usage. If you think about how the average mobile game is designed you’d expect to see at least level_start, and level_end once a minute or so. This doesn’t even include any other events and it’s already too many for unity analytics to handle if a session last over 20-30 minutes.

The biggest trouble here is that funnels completely break if events are lost. If a player has run out of events for the hours and then trigger a tutorial or complete a level they will forever be lost to the funnel. This makes it hard to understand if later levels or game mechanics are making player leave the game or are simply not reporting their completion.

It also makes it completely impossible to track your app’s economy as a lot of transaction events will likely be lost.


Hi @Antony-Blackett ,

Please file a support ticket and request an increase in your event limit. We routinely increase this limit for individual apps based on need. If you detail your requirement (including an estimate of what limit you think will cover your case), we can usually accommodate.

Hope that helps!


Yep, already done.