Unity and GitHub :: Can Someone Recommend a Good Tutorial?

Hi all, I’m a Unity newbie struggling to backup my fairly simple project to GitHub. I understand the basic concepts of GitHub, but still find the interface to be baffling.

I’ve waded through multiple tutorials, including the materials on the Unity website, and I just can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. Anyone else recently try to figure out the Unity/GitHub union? What tutorials or docs did you use? If it worked for you, I’m hoping a luddite like me can follow it too.

If you find the GitHub interface baffling, I recommend giving GitHub Desktop a try. You can also check out this blog which gives a good intro on how to use GitHub with Unity. An Intro to using GitHub with Unity for Beginners – GitGenie

If you want a more in-depth tutorial I would suggest check out Udemy, they have a few courses on GitHub/Unity


A quick intro to GitHub Desktop and Unity, it’s enough for a start.

Most Git theories you can skip. People work for years in this but still debate what is good practice and what is not. You must know how to name a project (use - as a separator between words). You need to know how to push the project, pull and undo it (from GitHub Desktop is enough). That’s it.

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