Hi Guys,
I’m using a Dell XPS 13 with an integrated GPU, and after updating to 2019.4.3 I just noticed some weird behavior. When i opened my project (its just a 2D App type project) and ran it, the GPU suddenly spiked, which did not happen previously with 2019.4.0 (The version i was using before updating to 2019.4.3).
After more testing, i found that even on an empty scene significantly taxes the GPU. In the screenshot below unity is using 75% to 85% of my GPU causing my laptop to heat up and my fan to spin up. This is when its taking up half my screen, if i expand the size of my unity window, it basically takes up all the GPU 95% to 100% whatever is available.
Anyone else experienced this or similar and anyone know how to fix it?
I didn’t pay attention to CPU before but an empty scene now apparently takes 30%+ of my CPU (i7-8550u) as well. Remains the same regardless of window size.