Unity and Intel GPU

Hi Guys,

I’m using a Dell XPS 13 with an integrated GPU, and after updating to 2019.4.3 I just noticed some weird behavior. When i opened my project (its just a 2D App type project) and ran it, the GPU suddenly spiked, which did not happen previously with 2019.4.0 (The version i was using before updating to 2019.4.3).

After more testing, i found that even on an empty scene significantly taxes the GPU. In the screenshot below unity is using 75% to 85% of my GPU causing my laptop to heat up and my fan to spin up. This is when its taking up half my screen, if i expand the size of my unity window, it basically takes up all the GPU 95% to 100% whatever is available.

Anyone else experienced this or similar and anyone know how to fix it?

I didn’t pay attention to CPU before but an empty scene now apparently takes 30%+ of my CPU (i7-8550u) as well. Remains the same regardless of window size.

Do you have Vsync enabled or disabled?

Edit > Preferences > General

Set “Interaction Mode” to “Monitor Refresh Rate”. This will throttle the Unity Editor’s refresh rate (separate from your game refresh rate), which should reduce GPU usage.

Hi Guys, thanks for the suggestions. I forgot to mention that this occurs only when i press play.
My VSync is set to V Blank.
I have set preferences to Monitor Refresh Rate.

The only thing which seems to help is setting the application target frame rate. At a target of 60 fps, the empty scene still takes up about 80-90% of the GPU when the editor is full screen and playing.