Unity imports .MOV, but will it play QTVR content?
Can Unity serve as a stand alone panorama player by mapping an equirectangular image onto a sphere, or by mapping the six sides of a cut up panorama onto a square?
I am easily able to do this in Cheetah 3d, but of course that can only be rendered out to rather large video files when animated.
Also in Cheetah I am able to place other 3d elements within a sphere mapped to an equirectangular image, and through Image Based Lighting, use the panorama to generate lighting effects on those images (i.e have the panoramic environment reflected off those objects).
Is any of this reproducible within Unity (and does Unity support HDR for Image Based Lighting)?
The Unity Skymaps seem like a good starting point, but from what I have seen they are not fully immersive.