This is a spin-off from this thread.
Tutorial: Unity and PHP login script - simple but useful by xandeck
– I made a small system using that tutorial wherein I use a script similar to the login script shown there. Then, once logged in, I get the session ID by getting my PHP script to output it to Unity.
– Once I get the session ID I store it in a variable on a script on a Persistent Game Object(An Object that doesn’t get destroyed between scenes)
– Then when the new scene loads, I use this ‘Persistent’ variable to get the session ID and pass it as a form parameter if and when I need to communicate with php again.
I have gotten all this to work without any apparent problems so far.
My questions are
- What are the security implications of this kind of process?
- Am I doing this the hard way or is there a shortcut to moving session information between scenes?