Unity and System.Timers problems [C#]


I have asked a question similar to this one before (HERE) and as I said, I managed to create a ticking function that ticks @1 milisecond with System.Timers.

I have a script named GameLogic tied to an empty game object (of course inheriting from MonoBehaviour) and in that script in the function Start(), I made a new timer like this:

Timer timer;
void Start()
    timer = new Timer();
    timer.Interval = 1; // 1 milisecond
    timer.Elapsed += timer_Elapsed;
void timer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
    // Update all connections between chips

I also have a Chip script tied to every single chip I have instantiated in the game, and I bind another timer event in that Chip script from GameLogic script like this:

GameLogic gameLogic;
bool gameLogicLoaded = false;

void Update()
    if (!gameLogicLoaded)
        gameLogic = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Game").GetComponent<GameLogic>();
        if (gameLogic != null)
            gameLogic.timer.Elapsed += timer_Elapsed; // Here I bind another timing event from the timer object in GameLogic script 
            gameLogicLoaded = true;

void timer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
    ChipTick(); // this is a virtual function. I can then make scripts that inherrit from this class and override the ChipTick()

public virtual void ChipTick() { }

The main problem here is that timer object from GameLogic script stops responding at random times and the chips stop updating. I get no errors in the console though.