unity android connect internet

I use WWW class try to download a picture from google street view api , the picture can be download in computer (debug mode) but cannot download in android (after build) .

In the app, the status keep loading for long time. Is that mean the unity app had no right to access internet on phone ?

This is my code:

IEnumerator _Refresh ()
loading = true;
Texture2D picture;
picture = new Texture2D (640, 640);

		int width, height;
		width = height = 1024;
		string url = "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/streetview?"
			+ "size=" + width + "x" + height
				+ "&location=" + lat + "," + lon
				+ "&heading=0&pitch=0"
				+ "&fov=90.0&sensor=false";
		Debug.Log ("URL " + url);
		WWW www = new WWW(url);
		yield return www;
		if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (www.error)) {
			Debug.Log ("Panorama " + name + ": " + www.error);
		}else {
			print ("Panorama " + name + " loaded url " + url);
			picture = www.texture;
		loading = false;

Check your AndroidManifest.xml to see if it includes internet permisssion.

Look at this answer. Hope you will be satisfied