Unity Android graphics bug

Hey folks,

I recently switched my project to Android following the ios black screen issue (which is not addressed as of b16). On devices with GL ES2 support, it works fine, but with devices with OpenGL ES3, the gameplay is all messed up. The UI shows up quite nicely, but can’t play. The game is running coz I can hear game music and vehicle driving sound on input. The screenshot shows what I have been seeing on Galaxy Note-III.

Additional info:
build settings are set on GL ES setting to Automatic. If I force it to GL ES2.0, it crashes on Note3


Are there any errors or warnings in logcat? Please file a bug with repro project so we can take a look.


What shaders are you using? if they are 3rd party or self written it maybe the cause, try the standard on everything and see if it goes away, if it does, check the shader code for errors.

There are no warnings/errors in logcat at all. I’ll file a bug.

I’m using only standard shaders for all materials. The only thing that uses a different shader is the highlighting system on camera. I’ll try without it and see if it goes away.

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