Hey guys as the topic title says are unity answers section of the website down? I cannot seem to access that section since last night and really need 2 visit the section:/
many thanks
Hey guys as the topic title says are unity answers section of the website down? I cannot seem to access that section since last night and really need 2 visit the section:/
many thanks
Works fine for me.
It’s fine. Use http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com to check.
I’m getting the same message and its been since friday. I’m in California not sure why that would matter but it seems like some people still have access maybe. its not a 404 error, its like a custom error so http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com isn’t really working for this situation.
It’s fine; seems to have the same amount of activity as always. Maybe it had a fight with your computer and they aren’t communicating.
Answers.unity3d is down for me, and everyone.
Nope, it’s fine. It’s generally best to come back a bit later before worrying about it, because almost always it’s just temporary maintenance.