Hello everyone,
I hope a member of the Unity team will see this post.
I am a very active moderator on Unity Answers, and I must admit I am starting to be fed up with the behaviour of a big majority of users.
Each day, I deal with about fifty questions / comments and I spend a long time commenting them and refuse them because users doesn’t read the FAQ / the documentation / the learn section, doesn’t look on the UA website, and not even on the internet. And, I don’t talk about trolls who talk about everything and nothing.
There are also moderators who doesn’t read the Moderators guidelines, and accept questions they should not, sometimes to simply earn karma by answering a silly question.
Thus, I am asking for a review of the karma levels to keep Unity Answers clean, and some other functionnalities :
Set the minimum level of karma to 10 if someone wants to ask a question
Set the minimum level of karma to 50 / 100 before questions are automatically published
Set the minimum level of karma to 2000 before becoming a moderator
Make the guidelines for asking a question more visible, especially for new users.
Make the guidelines for being moderators more visible, especially for new moderators.
Do not allow answering a question which is more than 2 / 3 years old.
Do not allow commenting a question which is more than 1 year old.
Allowing moderators to reject a question already published, even if there were answers (this is not always possible, I don’t know why …)
Add the possibility to cancel publication like the Reject button, in the moderation queue.
I am sure, many other functionnalities could make Unity Answers better.
It’s a fantastic website, but I don’t want to go there anymore because of many users.
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Hi! Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback, I also really appreciate all of the work you’ve put in with helping out as a moderator on Unity Answers. Clearing the mod queue can take ages, especially those mornings when you have up to 300 posts waiting for you…
We are behind schedule on getting the new UA site up, but the new design introduces some features that will hopefully help with filtering and managing the content. One of the new things that I hope will alleviate the noise and increase the quality of the content is having the Help Room (dedicated to beginner questions and general help with programming/problem solving), and becoming stricter with what content gets to stay/be published onto the default site. I wrote a small entry in the blog about the upcoming changes: http://blogs.unity3d.com/2015/06/30/new-version-of-unity-answers-unveiled-today/
I agree with several of the suggestions you made to improve UA, and had a discussion going on about raising the reputation of moderators due to the massive mod queue: [META] Upcoming moderator status changes - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions
I need to see how the new UA site will improve the pains we have today before making other drastic changes, but your list is definitely one to keep in mind and several things there are aligned with ideas we’ve been discussing to implement.
Thank you @SaraCecilia for your quick answer !
I have heard about a new Unity Answers website to make it more “in harmony” with Unity’s various websites. I am glad the Unity team is working on it, I can’t wait to see it released ! Some functionalities look very great ! Have you an approximate release date ? Before 2016 I hope !
EDIT : Haha ! You should not have released the new Unity Answers because of this conversation @SaraCecilia !
Haha, to be fair, we try and get it up and working every week A last major issue was fixed in the code base, and we are currently able to keep it up without performance issues that we can see. We are trying to catch all of the issues that appeared after deployment, but it seems the new site is now here to stay finally
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