Unity App is not responding to clicks on devices with android 14

we have been publishing our app since 2021, and everything works fine, but in our latest version in 6 of april, we published our unity game with target api level 34, and after publishing the app is not responding to any click on the first screen on some devices with android 14, or people who updated their phone to android 14 in these two weeks, we have no crash report, no exception, and we don’t know what to do, we did a very big campaign with google add and spend a huge amount of money on this but barely anyone can use the app.

The app stops on the first screen and you can’t do anything with it.

App name on google play : Meet 2 play
Unity version 2022.3.21
minimum API Level 29
Target API Level 34

Some additional information

Which input backend are you using? Are you able to reproduce the issue locally?

the issue only happens on some devices which i’m really not sure why, i believe it’s due to target sdk or this new android version 14, before the release i’ve tested it on 4 android devices and when i was sure it’s working i published it,

but now in production more and more devices have this issue,
one of them is honor crt-lx29789027--1404747--Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 9.00.01 PM.png

Which input backend are you using?

i’m really sorry but i’m really not sure what you mean by input backend???

See here, Unity - Manual: Android Player settings, “Active Input Handling”

So i Found the issue, it’s related to the new android 33 permission system, when users deny the notification permission on start it breaks the app

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I’m suffering from same issue. please, could you give me more information to fix this error?