Unity Apparel Store

For the longest time we’ve been asked “Do you have any shirts?” “Where can I buy a shirt” “Where did you get that shirt” “Why do you look so cool” (Ok that last one may not have actually happened.)

So because everyone asked so much we decided to just go ahead and make a store where you can get your swag on. For now we have the standard Unity logo on a variety of clothing items but we are working on more designs and slogans that will be out soon.

We are also planning on stuff that is not recommended to use as clothing.


All orders, transactions and shipping are handled by Spreadshirt

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I’d like to see shirts with the logo only! Wouldn’t it be nice to wear a more subtle message?

We’ve had that crop up a lot, I think it will happen :wink:

I think that would be great.

The clothing store allows purchases in UK £, but not when buying Unity itself. Is this likely to change?

Please, make the shirt in this picture available. I sooooo^1200000 badly want it. And the laptop sticker. It is to awesome to pass up.


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For Unity, I’m don’t think so, or at least not that I know of. We are still a Danish company, the clothing store is managed by Spreadshirt.

Team learn refuse to give up their secret identities


Looks good! The superman unity logo would definitely be awesome!

edit: I bought a t-shirt :slight_smile:

I’m thinking of buying one but I’d rather one with just the Unity cube. Is this likely to happen soon(within a month)? IDK the process but I’d assume it is just uploading an image and thus be quick?

Cool. Now just need a Coffee Mug, baseball cap, and mouse pads :slight_smile:

Nice… :wink:

I love the implication that you’re planning on stuff that could be used as clothing, you just don’t recommend that it is :smile:

Where is the ‘Design a T-Shirt’ competition?
Top 3 winning designs go into the store!

There are lots of designers and coders here who I am sure can come up with some great designs.

There’s only 1 way to wear a coffee cup.


It is known. This is all I can say.

Can you comment on my post? I want to buy one for a thang I have in a few months and to make myself look all cool and whatnot I want to wear a Unity t-shirt, so I need to order it ASAP to make sure it arrives in time.

Sorry I thought I had, I was mistaken. Not sure on the time frame of the new designs I’m afraid, probably not within a month :frowning:

Thanks for the reply :smile: Oh well, just means I have to buy multiple Unity shirts :slight_smile:

Oh no, whatever will you do when you get complimented on how awesome you look! :stuck_out_tongue:

What is this!?!?! The cube shirt came out and i was not notified.