Unity ARKit showing errors during build. I am just trying to use lightship for the first time

I am trying to build a simple AR session in order to use lightship, but I am facing these errors when trying to build the project in xcode. would really appreciate help.

Most of them are about unity ARKit.

Some of them are:

Undefined symbol: _NSSet_get_count

Undefined symbol: _NSSet_get_objectEnumerator

Undefined symbol: _NSString_getBytes_maxLength_

Undefined symbol: _NSString_get_length

Undefined symbol: _NSString_initWithBytes_length_encoding_

Undefined symbol: _NSString_lengthOfBytesUsingUTF16Encoding

Undefined symbol: _NSUUID_UUIDString

Undefined symbol: _NSUUID_initWithUUIDBytes_

Undefined symbol: _UTempBundle_CreateFromCompiledAssetCatalog

Undefined symbol: _UnityARKit_Camera_AcquireConfigurations

Undefined symbol: _UnityARKit_Camera_AcquireTextureDescriptors

Undefined symbol: _UnityARKit_Camera_Construct

Undefined symbol: _UnityARKit_Camera_Destruct

Undefined symbol: _UnityARKit_Camera_GetAutoFocusEnabled

Undefined symbol: _UnityARKit_Camera_GetCurrentCamera

Undefined symbol: _UnityARKit_Camera_GetCurrentLightEstimation

Undefined symbol: _UnityARKit_Camera_IsCameraPermissionGranted

Undefined symbol: _UnityARKit_Camera_ReleaseConfigurations

Undefined symbol: _UnityARKit_Camera_ReleaseTextureDescriptors

Undefined symbol: _UnityARKit_Camera_ScheduleReleaseTextureBuffers

Undefined symbol: _UnityARKit_Camera_Start

Undefined symbol: _UnityARKit_Camera_Stop

Undefined symbol: _UnityARKit_Camera_TryGetCurrentConfiguration

Undefined symbol: _UnityARKit_Camera_TryGetFrame

Undefined symbol: _UnityARKit_Camera_TryGetIntrinsics

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Hello @geometrics_12 ,

It looks like the Lightship SDK is is bringing in the Unity ARKit plugin as a dependency, which makes sense. Can you confirm that within XCode, that the “libUnityARKit.a” library file is present within the project that is generated? If not, then for some reason your inclusion of the SDK is not properly adding the ARKit library as a dependency.

There are two things you can do here:

  1. See if you can get some support directly from the Lightship community itself.
  2. Confirm that you are able to build AR Foundation’s samples and confirm that you are able to build AR app onto an iOS device which depends on ARKit.
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