Very nice article in the new Game Developer magazine (arrived today). Congratulations guys.
The article clearly mentioned Unity 2.1 a couple times. Did I miss that version being released?
Very nice article in the new Game Developer magazine (arrived today). Congratulations guys.
The article clearly mentioned Unity 2.1 a couple times. Did I miss that version being released?
They probably meant 2.0.1.
Awesome, it’s always great to see Unity getting recongnized!
Re: Unity 2.1: it probably meant 2.0.1, the release fixing compatibiliy with Leopard. [Edit] Beaten to it.
D: I didn’t get my copy yet. Can’t wait until I do and get to see the great article about Unity!
Does anyone know if the digital GD magazine has exactly the same content as the print edition? Or is it a sub magazine with cut down content?
IIRC it’s the exact same mag… ads and everything
Awesome… going to subscribe
EDIT: maybe not… you cant download it and read it… you need to use their content viewer that means you need to be online to read it… stuff that.
And what a rave of a review.
Actually, three raves: one each from an artist, designer and programmer.
Way to hit the ball out of the park, Unity Technologies!
It’s a great issue. It also has a postmortem article on Portal! Unity and Portal… that has my vote for trade publication of the year (one week in).
And for those that were at Unite, one of the authors (Thomas Grove) was there. It does make for a good read eh? w00t
Particularly nice to read such a great review and be able to honestly say, “It’s not all hype, either!”
I hope that means the rest of their reviews are similarly accurate…
Got my copy in the mail yesterday. Great review!
It’s cool being ahead of the wave.
Maybe now Brandon Sheffield, et al, will actually consider Unity for their “pick of the year” tools award thingies.
Unreal Engine, my ass.
That’s a bit harsh. Unreal is a great engine with a great toolset, albeit aimed at a very different target customer. Unity is also a great engine with a great toolset, and different features and customers, but it shouldn’t take away from the well deserved credit UE3 gets in the market for hit games.
Oddly enough their kismet scripting interface seems more appropriate for the Unity crowd than Unitron (or anything text based). Other than that my experience with Unity is a happier one so far (still working through the first release cycle).
Uh, it was a joke Ricko.
After reading some of the torque bashing here I assumed (incorrectly) it was a serious comment, especially since Unity should be considered for tool of the year for 2008. A smiley or something might have tipped it off. Thank you for the clarification for the humorless folks like me.
I figured the reference to my ass would be enough.
Now that was funny! :lol:
And you haven’t even seen my ass.
Wait…you’re not implying that’s the subject of your next Unity visualization project, are you?