I want to control the servo motor (SG90) by linking unity and aruduino.
In particular
Click on unity to move the servo motor from 0 to 120 → stop
If you click on unity, the servo motor will move from 120 to 0 → stop
I want to make a mechanism like that.
If anyone knows how to do it, I would really like to know it specifically.
Thank you.
What circumstances have put you in the position where you need to do such a thing, but do not have the basic skills required to even start doing so for yourself?
oh my god
i can control servo through arduino. i know this way to.
but,i don,t know how to connect unity and arduino.
i want to connect unity and arduino.
i want to make a program to rotate the servo motor through arduino when i click on unity.
please tell me how to way.