Unity asks to reactivate license

Well hello everyone!

Recently my team bought a couple of Unity 4 Pro Student licenses. Every license seems to work to activate; however, sometimes when starting unity or opening another project we are asked to reactivate our license (this happens more often to others). Upon reactivation Unity works just fine until the next time it happens. This seems quite strange and it is really annoying.

Anyone who might have experienced the same thing or knows a solution? :face_with_spiral_eyes:

The fastest way is usually to get in touch with your Unity contact person directly.

Hi there

This sounds like a bug. Please submit a bug from the instance of unity where you are prompted to re-activate. Pm me the bugcase number please.

Hello Cecilie,

Seems like you might have an idea on how to get the re-activation working again. I’ve submitted multiple bug reports, support requests and uninstalled several times. I can’t seem to open Unity. Am new to much of this. Please help. :sad: :rage:

Hi there

Do you get any error messages when you try to open unity? In C:\ProgramData\Unity is there an .ulf file? If yes, delete it and re open unity and see if that works.


No other errors just a choice reactivate by pressing left mouse button on choice.
page does not exists comes up.