Unity Asset store - is it worth it to sell on others also?

Currently my CharacterFX Package is only for sale on the Unity Asset Store. Is it worth it to sell on other asset stores besides the main Unity asset store? Such as UnityMagic, GamePrefabs, or ActiveDen?
I’m not too keen on ActiveDen from a user point of view, but I’ve personally bought assets from all of those sites. Not sure if it would get extra sales, or if it is worth the time - if I see something on those sites that are on the Unity store, I will always purchase it on Unity’s site first.

i also have this questions

Yes it is, the more places you sell your project the more exposure it gets and as a result more sales.

selling the same assert that has in unity3d assert(We made) store its allowable.in multiple locations .np with that?

Personally, because I have many assets, for me the best not to sell on many marketplaces, better trying to adverts my own shop. I am working with Unity Store, because it is the best in sells and in royalty.

About Envato market to which Active Den belongs:

I started to sell my staff from it. 3D Ocean and Graphic River was my first marketplaces ever. But one day I removed almost all from there. They are politic guys and protect their buyers and sellers better then any other market, but they will pay you only 25% royalty if you are not their exclusive author. So they are greediest market in the web, I suppose.

Also I removed all my assets from Turbosquid. Reason is the same: They give to non-exclusive author only 40% royalty and you must pay taxes. This is especially bad for non USA residents. So after all, after Pay Pal fees, and after my own country taxes I can have maximum 20% from my Item cost. Is it fair? I don’t think so.

However after I said “good buy” to these big monsters my sells became even better. Maybe it is because I have more and more items with time, and because my story became more and more popular. And many of my 3D not Unity assets people can buy only there.

So for people which have many assets my advise: guys, setup your one store plus sale in Unity Store. And maybe sale on other markets which give you not less ten 70% royalty.

Yeah Unity’s 70/30 split and non-exclusive selling is really unheard of today. Most places give you 40-60% and require you only sell through them exclusively. I would say Unity’s Asset store is probably one of the BEST venues to sell game dev assets. I think you just might need to draw more attention to your assets directly…the asset store has some nice buttons and links for sharing assets on all of the social media. You might want to advertise outside of the Unity community via social media and drive up sales.

mr_Necturus@well said thanks for explanation!

You are welcome! I am glad if this information helps. :slight_smile: