Unity Asset Store

I have made some realy awsome models I am wanting to place for sale on the Unity Asset store but I cant seem to figure out how. Also do I have to have a Company name and webpage to do it. I am a college student and I am wanting to make a little money to be able to help pay for my gas cost to attend.

  1. hmm, what do you mean by “can’t figure out how”?

it’s incredibly well explained almost everywhere !!!

  1. pay for gas …

I don’t want to be the bringer of bad news, but

(A) as a statistical matter it very likely (90% +?) you will make zero, and quite likely (95% + ?) you will make nuttily low sales like 1 sale per month (when someone accidentally clicks the button).


(B) realize you are competing with incredibly professional basically best-in-the-whole-wide-world modelmakers and the like, I mean hell Mixamo is on there now

To be clear I absolutely encourage you to live your dream, but have Facts in your head.

If you’re a naturally gifted modelmaker, a brilliant illustrator and naturally gifted low-poly genius - which happens - have you also considered just DOING FREELANCE? join getafreelancer.com and start hunting down little modelmaking jobs.

Actually … does anyone know … what’s the best web site for “inexpensive modelmaking freelance jobs?”