I have made some realy awsome models I am wanting to place for sale on the Unity Asset store but I cant seem to figure out how. Also do I have to have a Company name and webpage to do it. I am a college student and I am wanting to make a little money to be able to help pay for my gas cost to attend.
- hmm, what do you mean by “can’t figure out how”?
it’s incredibly well explained almost everywhere !!!
- pay for gas …
I don’t want to be the bringer of bad news, but
(A) as a statistical matter it very likely (90% +?) you will make zero, and quite likely (95% + ?) you will make nuttily low sales like 1 sale per month (when someone accidentally clicks the button).
(B) realize you are competing with incredibly professional basically best-in-the-whole-wide-world modelmakers and the like, I mean hell Mixamo is on there now
To be clear I absolutely encourage you to live your dream, but have Facts in your head.
If you’re a naturally gifted modelmaker, a brilliant illustrator and naturally gifted low-poly genius - which happens - have you also considered just DOING FREELANCE? join getafreelancer.com and start hunting down little modelmaking jobs.
Actually … does anyone know … what’s the best web site for “inexpensive modelmaking freelance jobs?”