I have created a little program to produce a text and csv file of my Unity assets. I showed it to a couple of friends of mine, and they found it useful. One suggested to post it on the forums, so here I am.
It is a very basic C# wpf application, and requires .NET framework 4.5 or higher. The download link and more in depth details are on my website:
Basic Overview:
Sorts assets into types and records details of their filename, filesize, location, and last modified date. Unity .meta files are excluded. It then outputs a csv and text file with the information. Here are a couple of screenshots:
I don’t plan to update it much, I might add the csv view to the tabs at some point, but I will of course update file types if anyone has some I’ve missed or others that should be excluded, and fix any bugs.
I don’t have any feedback options on my website, so any input here would be great.
Happy Asset Monitoring