Unity automatically downloading Toolchain Win Linux x64 when opening settings

I can’t figure out why but every time i open any kind of settings menu unity starts downloading and installing some weird package named Toolchain Win Linux x64, which is a preview package.

I don’t know why, I dont think i need it, every time i uninstall it and open the settings menu it installs it back.

Any idea? I’m using Unity 2020.3.12f1 (lts).

Hello, do you happen to have the linux IL2CPP bits installed? The reason this package would get installed is if that is present because you can’t compile Linux IL2CPP without them so the editor auto installs them. If you do not have them installed then its a bug.

Under Edit - Project Settings - Toolchain Management you can disable Install toolchain package automatically. Unfortunately this settings is for some reason stored in PlayerPrefs so if you implement clearing of all PlayerPrefs functionality in your project that will also reset this option. If you want it to always be off in some project you need to execute PlayerPrefs.SetInt("ToolchainAutomaticallyInstallPackage", 0); on load, or after clearing PlayerPrefs.

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Thanks for the detailed answer igors. Fortunately it’s not happening anymore in newer unity versions, so I guess it’s fixed.