We moved to 2020.3.2f1 and are trying to fix our Intel Mac mini build machine.
iOS builds and is playable; however, the android build just freezes ever since updating Unity.
I can open the project in the editor and build and run on the build machine.
Occasionally I connect to the build machine and see a system dialog ‘Unity Hub wants to make changes’. It’s not supposed to be showing dialogs in batchmode.
Here is the command line I am using to test:
/Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.2f1/Unity.app/Contents/MacOS/Unity -projectPath /Users/teamviewer/builds/AbxzEpLH/0/thisco/myprojectname -executeMethod BuildCommand.BuildAndroidDevelopmentRemote -buildTarget Android -batchmode
I can confirm that 2020.3.2f1 is the correct version of unity.
There is no error message.
Here is a tail of the log:
Unloading 2969 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 23260.
Total: 1760.862750 ms (FindLiveObjects: 6.199505 ms CreateObjectMapping: 5.160122 ms MarkObjects: 1737.530675 ms DeleteObjects: 11.969555 ms)
Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
Loaded scene 'Temp/__Backupscenes/0.backup'
Deserialize: 3.134 ms
Integration: 221.335 ms
Integration of assets: 0.006 ms
Thread Wait Time: 21.093 ms
Total Operation Time: 245.568 ms
System memory in use before: 0.94 GB.
System memory in use after: 0.94 GB.
Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 23252.
Total: 1443.301999 ms (FindLiveObjects: 5.859550 ms CreateObjectMapping: 3.460020 ms MarkObjects: 1433.910639 ms DeleteObjects: 0.068975 ms)
[Project] Loading completed in 713.512 seconds
Project init time: 0.000 seconds
Template init time: 0.000 seconds
Package Manager init time: 0.000 seconds
Asset Database init time: 0.000 seconds
Global illumination init time: 0.000 seconds
Assemblies load time: 0.000 seconds
Unity extensions init time: 0.000 seconds
Asset Database refresh time: 0.000 seconds
Scene opening time: 589.731 seconds
Subscribe to USB device events
[00:00:01] Enlighten: Builtin Sky manager started.
[MODES] ModeService[none].Initialize
[MODES] ModeService[none].LoadModes
[MODES] Loading mode Default (0) for mode-current-id-BadEnergyKids
[00:00:02] Enlighten: Finished 1 Bake Ambient Probe job (0.01s execute, 0.00s integrate, 0.44s wallclock)
Here is our build command
private static void BuildAndroid(bool development, bool localBuild,
BuildOptions options = BuildOptions.None, AndroidArchitecture deviceTarget = AndroidArchitecture.All, bool isaab = false) {
string[] scenes = GetBuildScenes();
string path = GetBuildPath("android");
if (scenes == null || scenes.Length == 0 || path == null) {
ApplyAndroidBuildSettings(development, localBuild, deviceTarget,isaab);
BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(scenes, path, BuildTarget.Android, options);
public static void BuildAndroidDevelopmentRemote() {
EditorUserBuildSettings.buildAppBundle = false;
BuildAndroid(true, false, BuildOptions.None, AndroidArchitecture.ARMv7 | AndroidArchitecture.ARM64);