Unity Behavior Package causing CTD

After installing Behavior package with nothing in the scene or any other installs besides starting a fresh Core 3D URP project, hitting play button, usually second time (sometimes first) causes immediate crash to desktop.

Using 2019 Macbook Pro. (50GB available)
Tried on Unity 6000.0.34fi & 6000.0.24fi
Tried each version of Behavior and all cause crash.
Tried installing via Install button on muse page & from just package manager.

Many other packages run fine both from Unity & asset store. Only Behavior causes.

Bug report sent, but wondering if anyone else has had issue?

Hey, I’m sorry to hear about this issue!

Just to confirm, can you tell us which Behavior version is it and that it’s Behavior, not Muse Behavior?

Any error log you can extract from this?



I tried every version of “Behavior” from 1.0.7 to 1.0.0.

No error logs in console since program just shuts down instantly after hitting play, usually the second time hitting play, even on an empty scene. (sometimes first time hitting play button)

A crash report was sent in using Unity Bug Reporter. CASE IN-9341