Unity Bug or just me? SpriteShapeController rendering issue

Hello All,

I am currently working on a procedural generated mobile game using unity2ds Sprite Shape Controller. There isn’t much as it regards to the API on explaining these classes.

I used some code I found online in a tutorial and edited it to work with closed sprite shapes(see below).

The goal is to have curved sprite shapes randomly generated as the level(of which I can do with some manipulation of values). However when in game view the sprite shape does not spawn/render ahead of time like it is suppose to. However if I zoom out in scene view while the game is running the sprite will spawn.

Is this an issue with unity rendering the sprite shape? Or am I missing something? I am not sure what BakeMesh() does is that the issue?

public class LevelSpawner : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject cell;
    private GameObject[] cells;

    private GameObject player;

    private Vector3 rightSideOfContinousPlatform;

    private GameObject currentPlatform;
    private GameObject nextPlatform;

    private Spline currentPlatformSpline;
    private Spline nextPlatformSpline;

    private EdgeCollider2D currentPlatformEdgeCollider;
    private EdgeCollider2D nextPlatformEdgeCollider;

    private int platNumber = 1;

    public float rotation;

    void Awake()
        //Find the pre-existing spawn platform, and initialize current platform variables with respect to it.
        player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
        currentPlatform = GameObject.Find("Platform");
        currentPlatformSpline = currentPlatform.GetComponent<SpriteShapeController>().spline;
        currentPlatformEdgeCollider = currentPlatform.GetComponent<EdgeCollider2D>();
        rightSideOfContinousPlatform = currentPlatform.transform.TransformPoint(currentPlatformSpline.GetPosition(currentPlatformSpline.GetPointCount() - 2));

    void Update()
       // Debug.Log(currentPlatformSpline.GetPosition(currentPlatformSpline.GetPointCount() - 1));
        cells = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Platform Clone");

        foreach(GameObject c in cells)
            c.transform.position = new Vector3(c.transform.position.x, c.transform.position.y, 10);
        //If the player is approaching the right end of the level, spawn a new platform.
        if (rightSideOfContinousPlatform.x - player.transform.position.x  < 200f)

        foreach(GameObject c in cells)
            if(c.transform.position.x + 50 < player.transform.position.x)

        //TODO: If the player is approaching the left end of the level, spawn a new platform.

    void spawnRightPlatform()
        //Decide what platform template to use randomly.
        //int randomCell = Random.Range(0, cells.Length);

        //Pick point far to the right to place the platform, this will be adjusted in the same frame.
        Vector3 placeLocation = rightSideOfContinousPlatform + new Vector3(0f, 0, 0);

        //Spawn the platform at placeLocation
        nextPlatform = Instantiate(cell, placeLocation, Quaternion.identity);

        //Setup the GameObjects & Components needed for this function, based off the spawned platform
        GameObject nextPlatformSS = nextPlatform;
        SpriteShapeController nextPlatformSSC = nextPlatformSS.GetComponent<SpriteShapeController>();
        nextPlatformEdgeCollider = nextPlatformSS.GetComponent<EdgeCollider2D>();
        nextPlatformSpline = nextPlatformSSC.spline;

        //Retrieve the width of the new platform, and adjust the positioning accordingly. 10 is added to the x spacing to prevent sharp turns. (adjustable)
        float platWidth = nextPlatformSS.GetComponent<SpriteShapeRenderer>().bounds.size.x;
        Vector3 correctLocation = rightSideOfContinousPlatform + new Vector3((platWidth / 2) + 10, 0, 0);
        nextPlatform.transform.position = correctLocation;

        //Find the ends of the platforms. Vector 3rightSideOfCurrentPlatform is already specified from previous iteration.
        Vector3 leftSideOfNextPlatform = nextPlatformSpline.GetPosition(0);
        Vector3 left = nextPlatform.transform.TransformPoint(leftSideOfNextPlatform);
        Vector3 right = currentPlatform.transform.TransformPoint(currentPlatformSpline.GetPosition(currentPlatformSpline.GetPointCount() - 1));

        //Find the midpoint between the two ends.
        Vector3 midpoint = new Vector3((left.x + right.x) / 2f,
                                           ((left.y + right.y) / 2), 0);

        //Brings the two end points on the colliders to the midpoint.
        Vector2[] currentColliderPoints = currentPlatformEdgeCollider.points;
        currentColliderPoints[currentColliderPoints.Length - 1] = currentPlatform.transform.InverseTransformPoint(midpoint);
        currentPlatformEdgeCollider.points = currentColliderPoints;

        Vector2[] nextColliderPoints = nextPlatformEdgeCollider.points;
        nextColliderPoints[0] = nextPlatform.transform.InverseTransformPoint(midpoint);
        nextPlatformEdgeCollider.points = nextColliderPoints;

        currentPlatformSpline.SetPosition(currentPlatformSpline.GetPointCount() - 2,
            currentPlatform.transform.InverseTransformPoint(midpoint + new Vector3(0, 10, 0)));

        //Brings the two end points of the spline together. Either side is visually adjusted to overlap .25, to avoid gaps. (adjustable)
        currentPlatformSpline.SetPosition(currentPlatformSpline.GetPointCount() - 1, currentPlatform.transform.InverseTransformPoint(midpoint + new Vector3(0, 5, 0)));
        nextPlatformSpline.SetPosition(0, nextPlatform.transform.InverseTransformPoint(midpoint + new Vector3(2f, 5, 0)));

        //adding 10 to the top
        nextPlatformSpline.SetPosition(1, nextPlatform.transform.InverseTransformPoint(midpoint + new Vector3(0f, 10, 0)));
        //nextPlatformSpline.SetPosition(nextPlatformSpline.GetPointCount() - 2,
        //nextPlatform.transform.InverseTransformPoint(nextPlatformSpline.GetPosition(nextPlatformSpline.GetPointCount() - 1) + new Vector3(0, 5, 0)));

        //add middle splint point
        Vector3 leftPoint = nextPlatformSpline.GetPosition(1);
        Vector3 rightPoint = nextPlatformSpline.GetPosition(nextPlatformSpline.GetPointCount() - 2);
        Vector3 middlePoint = new Vector3((leftPoint.x + rightPoint.x) / 2, (leftPoint.y + rightPoint.y)/2, 0);

        //insert middle spline point
        nextPlatformSpline.InsertPointAt(2, middlePoint);
        nextPlatformSpline.SetTangentMode(2, ShapeTangentMode.Continuous);
        nextPlatformSpline.SetLeftTangent(2, new Vector3(1,1,0) * rotation);
        nextPlatformSpline.SetRightTangent(2, new Vector3(-1,-1,0) * (rotation * -1));

        //Renames the new platform, and moves the newly generated platform into the 'Current Platform' variables
        nextPlatform.name = "Plat" + platNumber;
        nextPlatform.tag = "Platform Clone";
        rightSideOfContinousPlatform = nextPlatform.transform.TransformPoint(nextPlatformSpline.GetPosition(nextPlatformSpline.GetPointCount() - 1));
        currentPlatformEdgeCollider = nextPlatformEdgeCollider;
        currentPlatformSpline = nextPlatformSpline;
        currentPlatform = nextPlatform;

        nextPlatform = null;

@ADKgame Could you please try the workaround provided here :

[Unity - SpriteShape Preview Package | Page 9 - Unity Forum]( SpriteShape Preview Package page-9#post-5022122)

Also please feel free to submit a bug report with a sample repro project. Would be helpful to identify the exact issue.