Unity Calulations

I am not sure but I think something is up with my Unity and the way it calculates stuff.So, I recently updated my Unity to 2022.1.13 from 2022.1.9 because of a whole incident of unity crashing while I was editing an object name in an animation ,where my scene was somehow corrupted and also because of some crash RNG hence why I updated it.Anyways I hd to redo most of the UI and setup my variables again,but then I realized,situations where I would hve 0.1f to move an object ,had me increasing it to 2 or 5 which I thought was strange because to me most of my code was good n it was only the UI n the InGame objects variables that needed reapplying.I converted the corrupted unity scene to a txt file to get the values for those previous InGame objects number variables to apply to the current ones.Also what strange is some values can stay the same but some need to change to something higher from their cuurent value.I m not best at explaining stuff but in simple terms for most number variables in editor n in code I hd to increase their respective values even if they were fine before updating unity.

This has nothing to do with physics so why are you posting on this physics forum? Why have you tagged it “documentation” and “performance”? I have no idea what “calculations” you’re referring to TBH.

I think it best if I move your post here: Unity Engine - Unity Discussions

Sorry I couldn’t help but it’s very hard to follow your post TBH. It does sound like you need to invest in source-control / backups if you’re upgrading so you have a fallback in-case anything goes wrong.

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Damn bro I dont know much but yall forum n I am new to it.I dont really use it bcuz of people like u.Why I are u so tilted but a simple thing but anyways thks for nothing I guess . From what I m cing I discovered some flaw or weird bug in which I thought physics calculations be the problem.U could hve ask me to explain more.

You can blame me but your post was super difficult to follow and didn’t even mention physics at all so my response, whether you like it or not, was justified in asking you how it relates to physic and moving it to a general editor forum. I moved your post to a more appropriate forum so that you could get a broader response.

Feel free to explain it in a clearer way but from what I can see, you had a problem upgrading which was why I suggested using source control. Maybe add some images or video so that devs can figure out what might be going on.