unity camere obselete? camera switch

#pragma strict

var FPScamera : Camera;
var TPcamera : Camera;

private var cameraSwitch : boolean = false;

function Start () {
    FPScamera.camera.enabled = true;
	TPcamera.camera.enabled = false;

function Update () {
		cameraSwitch = !cameraSwitch;
	if(cameraSwitch == true){
    FPScamera.camera.enabled = false;
	TPcamera.camera.enabled = true;	
    FPScamera.camera.enabled = true;
	TPcamera.camera.enabled = false;	


And i get :

I just dont get it…

How about reading the Erros message???

error CS0619: UnityEngine.Component.camera' is obsolete: Property camera has been deprecated. Use GetComponent() instead.

It clearly states what the error is and how to fix it.
What it means in plainer English: Component.camera / gameobject.camera is no longer a valid option.
you would have to use GetComponent() to get the camera component

but even the get component is not necessary in your case , you already have the camera component.


FPScamera.camera.enabled = true;


FPScamera.enabled = true;