Unity can't find Blender

On last release unity can’t find and import .blend file.
I have blender instaled on /usr/bin/blender, and on double click files open correctly.
Can you help me where is unity try to find path?

Sometimes Blender models just don’t want to import properly. Try de-selecting everything in edit mode and saving the model in object mode. If you’re not using the latest build (currently 5.3.1), try it, I didn’t run into any importing problems with it so far.

Edit: I’ve seen the “can’t find blender” error a few times in older versions, but it goes away after you save the model again.

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I try but message its persistend
yes im use 5.3.1, but on older version it works fine

i can foun error, i have custom linked script, now monodevelop not opens but this is another history

I found problem and can use script on blender

script …

#cargar( bpy.context.scene ); ----> this line cause problem
bpy.app.handlers.save_pre.append( limpiar );
bpy.app.handlers.save_post.append( cargar );

I cant execute registered custom script on load file,
fortunately handlers works ok and can use script on save.

Could you explain what you did for us slightly code illiterate? I would be very grateful.