Hi all.
I have Unity 2019.2.14f1 version and Visual Studio Community 2019. A few days ago Unity suddenly stopped opening scripts in VS. When I try to open script with Unity editor now,
Visual Studio “Unknown error” appears
Unity loads VS for some time
When loading is done, again “Unknown error” appears
VS doesn’t open
If I manually open VS and my project’s sln there, everything works well, and after that scripts open in VS by clicking on them in Unity. But it’s not convenient.
What I tried:
Reinstall Unity Hub + Unity + VS.
“Play” with external Script editor option.
It doesn’t help. Unity finds VS, but for some reason can’t open it. Any help will be appreciated.
There’s similar issues with Visual Studio Code, if you have seen any of these discussions:
I’ve had similar issues too… It might be worth checking those threads even if they’re about VS Code, and see if there’s something you haven’t tried yet. I suspect (just an educated guess) that having multiple installs of Unity might have something to do with it, maybe. I never had these can’t open VS/VS Code issues until I started using many Unity installs at the same time.
Thank you for your answer.
Unfortunately, this links don’t help. So, for now, I have to open VS manually.
I really had two versions of Unity some time ago, but uninstalled one. Yesterday I cleaned up registry, tried to delete all files left from previous versions and reinstalled everything, but still the same “unknown error”.
By the way, I checked Log, the error is: “Failure calling InitializeAppID”.