Hi - PC shutting down when building scene - Please help/advise me if you can…
I’ve a scene in Unity which acts fine, but Preview states 5/11 Clustering - 4 jobs and never any more. Likewise if I try to build.
And when left either building or trying to complete jobs the whole PC shuts down!
This means I can’t use my work or get any error messages.
I’ve reported this as a bug and had no reply yet.
If Unity not running then PC is fine.
Win7 - i7CPU - Nvidia GFX 970 - 12GB RAM
Is this a laptop computer? If so then yeah according to the comment, you need to completely clean out the airways within.
It’s surprising how little thought is given to thermal design of the laptop with respect to durability. Very few laptop series do that, ASUS ROG (higher end models with dual fans) are one example but accordingly pricy.
If you are on a desktop machine, then it’s a rather different problem. Lightmap baking does consume 100% CPU power unconditionally (faster CPU - only done faster) so it’s still possible that your CPU is overheating.
OK. I’ve exposed my PC to as much cool air as I can and it doesn’t shut down
However… After running through the night, Unity crashes…
but… I get an error message.
Building Player : Building Scene (5\Clustering | 2 jobs)
"Unhandled win32 exception in unity.exe [7756]
Does anyone know what this means?