Unity CCD private bucket slow?


I’ve been testing downloading from a new private bucket in a separate non-production environment but it’s substantially slower than the existing public bucket that was created in the production environment months ago. Is this a known issue with private buckets?
Or is there some configuration that needs to be set on the back-end for newer buckets?

I’m located in Singapore.

Hi there.

Can you share how you are downloading the files? Is it through addressebles or through the direct links? We had a local test here in Montreal recently without any speed issues. I will ask the developers to test from Singapore.

It’s through addressables, running a WebGL game on a chrome browser. I might be encountering this issue when requesting with the authorization headers; Question - “Max Concurrent Web Requests” Setting Best Practices for mobile?! - Unity Forum . I’ll change the number to something sane and retest it again.

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