Unity CEO John Riccitiello "Sony F***ing Nailed It

You should post more than a video since not everyone wants to watch several minute videos with possibly silly ranting . What happened? Where is the short summary to open the conversation or is this channel promoting as it always seem to be same :roll_eyes:


Agreed. I’ve been burned by wasting time on these random video postings before. How about an elevator speech on the content?


Elevator speech:
John Riccitiello said that Sony did everything right regarding what gamers want with the PS4 while Microsoft screwed it with their expanded media console approach. Second part of the video is guessing whether Sony will stay on top this time or whether Microsoft will recover much quicker this time because in the end both are pretty much equal in regards of game fidelity and XBOne is cheaper. Though PS3 in the long run also outsold XB360 despite the rough start.

So in the end it’s sort of a rant/prognose with a slight wow-factor because of John Riccitiello saying the word “fuck” in one of his speeches.

You’re welcome internet. :slight_smile:


Well done Mister R. The next step: convince Microsoft to allow to export a project to an ‘retail Xbox’. There, do not worry, i will buy an ONE. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thanks, I can happily ignore this entire post now.

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That’s been my biggest peeve and still has me really hot under the collar. Don’t get me wrong, I love my XBONE but one of the main attractions for me pre-ordering was the promise that every retail console will be a dev kit. Here we are, a year and a half in, and still no deving on the retail box and MS seems to have completely backed away from it. I spoke with an aquiantance who is a program manager in the xbox division and he even backed away from really addressing the issue.

Now all Sony has to do is come up with a pc operating system and they can take over the world. Or something like that.

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Why take over the world when you can create your own “Sony World” in VR with Project Morpheus <>!

That thing is sexy.

I think my wife has one of these in her nightstand…


And they say there’s a lack of women in computing. They’re just hiding it in their nightstands.

That is essentially my premise for world domination. Why go through the effort of ruling this world when you can have your own paradise with your own physics and reality?

Procedural universe generation in VR. That’s the plan. With the growing interesting in such things in our culture, I think I could end all life in a few generations because the addiction to VR will be so out of hand that people spend 3-5 days in their own paradise and then drop dead.


Does this guy have a podcast or does he post only post youtube stuff with random gameplay footage?

I was saying the same things a year before either console launched. The current situation is exactly as I predicted.

The real issue Microsoft has to deal with now is its tarnished brand, and the dearth of exclusive titles for the XBox One. Kotaku recently published a “best-12-games” list for the Xbox One. Only two of those twelve titles were exclusive. The rest had broad platform reach, and none of them were generally thought of as being best on the XBox One.

Microsoft took a serious hit to their XBox brand with the launch of the One. Before that point they seemed to have the next console race in the bag. But the botched launch set them back considerably. And even after a “price-drop” for the Xbox One, the PS4 is still outselling it consistently.

A major factor for this is that the PS4 is being considered the go-to platform for multi-player, multi-platform releases. This is where the XBox One’s botched launch is doing the most damage. Early adopters flocked to the PS4. And now many of those early adopter’s friends are basing their own console upgrades on the system that those early adopters leaned towards. (so that they can play multi-player titles together) This is also where Microsoft’s shaky transition for XBox Live is biting them in the ass. If Microsoft had come out of the gate with an equivalent offering to the multi-player support on the XBox 360, they could have swayed a greater number of early adopters to pay a little extra for superior multi-player. Instead, their insistence on reinventing the wheel is hurting them in the on-line space, and Sony even got away with charging for their own on-line support. (without any serious outcry from fans)

At this juncture, a “price-drop” simply isn’t enough. And the XBox One’s price drop isn’t even that. They simply stripped out the system’s most expensive peripheral and adjusted the price accordingly. Buying a Kinect-enabled XBox One will still run you $500. (even if you buy the system and the peripheral separately) The only real card Microsoft has left to play is platform exclusives. And they’re looking pretty thin in that department. Titanfall didn’t have the oomph they were hoping for, neither did Sunset Overdrive, Project Spark is suffering from having the Kinect stripped out of the system, and the Master Chief Collection has been a bug-riddled mess, with no end in sight.

Going into E3, Sony just has to stay the course and showcase some solid platform exclusives and indie titles. (I love the indie support and PS+ entries on my PS4) Microsoft is floundering, and they need some really exciting exclusives.

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It comes: E3 2015. :stuck_out_tongue:

The irony is that it did that partly and maybe even largely because it’s a bluray player.

And a super computer with an epic cell architecture they should have stuck with just for lolz.

Totally with you, they should have never dangled that carrot until they were ready to follow through. Granted, I’m still excited that they confirmed at GDC/Build that you will be able to use a retail unit as a dev kit by the end of this year (2015) but if it was going to take that long they should have kept quiet until they were ready or at least close to ready.

Sony is also much better at marketing. Microsoft has always been terrible at that. HDDVD was a superior technology to Bluray but Sony knew how to get people behind it.

Yeah once they delayed it I had a sneaking suspicion that it was going to be tied to the Windows 10 everywhere situation. Looks like (speculatively) Windows 10 will hit non-pc devices such as phone and xbox around September so it should be shortly after that we see the retail dev kit functionality.

Eh? HDDVD was inferior (less storage, lower max bitrate), but cheaper.
