Unity cloud build and Blender

Howdy Y’all!

Does Unity Cloud Build support .blend files by any chance?

David Brooks

Hey David,

Unfortunately, Cloud Build does not handle native .blend files. To use these models with a Cloud Build workflow you will need to export them to non-proprietary format like .fbx.

Hope this helps!

Thanks for the info! Is there a timeline for when .blend support will be added to Unity Cloud Build? The Unity editor and compiler on my local machine can handle the .blend files. Is it a big LOE to add that functionality to the Cloud Build tool, especially since it already exists in the Unity editor and compiler?

David Brooks

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AFAIK, .blend file is a memory dump kind of file from blender. Blender only can load it back to memory. So the maximum integration point would involve opening a blender instance in cloud and load the file in that blender instance; then use some custom addons to export to standard file formats like obj or fbx to use it in Unity.

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Interesting… I use my .blend files in Unity and they work in the editor and they get compiled in when I build locally. Is Unity just opening Blender in the background or something to make that work?

They might be.
\Editor\Data\Tools\Unity-BlenderToFBX.py actually contains blender scripting apis in it.

import bpy.ops
    bpy.ops.export_scene.fbx(filepath=outfile, ...

Any way to automate this ? Maybe thanks to \Editor\Data\Tools\Unity-BlenderToFBX.py ?


I’m using another method now, from GitHub - jonathanleang/blendToFbxExporterForUnity that I execute in my CI pipeline before unity.
I’m still having some visual issues with the shaders/lightning but the models and textures are here and working.
I guess I’d probably need to reimport prefab that includes the blend files in the build process or something like that

Has there been any evolution in this?
I am facing the same problem.