Hello, today we started to have some issues uploading Addressable Bundles using Unity Cloud Build and creating a release automatically. We haven’t changed the build configuration for a while but for both android and ios builds the process started to fail due to invalid bucket id and environment. Here is the log that we are having and the build configuration for addressable building & creating release.
[2023-08-17T16:39:05.066Z] - - INFO: /UNITY_PATH/Unity/content-delivery/production/0.11.15_osx_ucd entries sync "/BUILD_PATH/mild-mania.mayor-match.iosrelease/.build/last/iosrelease/extra_data/addrs" --exclude=Library/* --verbose --apikey **** --bucket --environment undefined}
[error] [warning] [2023-08-17T16:39:05.352Z] - - WARN: Error! invalid bucketid provided