Unity Cloud Build - Cannot cancel build

Hi there,

I’ve written an e-mail to Unity Support but they send me here. So I’ve a problem with one build. I cannot cancel it.

This is a message from website:
There was a problem creating the project! - After I clicked cancel button.

I cannot delete project as well. (same message)

#13 TestProject Duration: 43:18:42 -

As you can see there is 43 hours duration on that build and it looks like server cannot build this.

Can someone help me with this issue?



Please send me a link to your project in Cloud Build, and we will take a look.

We are encountering the same problem. We have an android and an iOS build, and the Android one has been stuck on one build for days, and we get the same error when we try to cancel it.

Chris - assuming you’ll ask for a link to our build too, I’ll send it to you now.