Unity Cloud Build Failing with Facebook SDK

I’ve been trying to set up cloud build for my game, but am running into errors that others also appear to have had with the Facebook SDK.

I’ve just upgraded to Facebook SDK 7.11.0 and am building with Unity 5.6.5p2 for Android on cloud build. The game builds for Android perfectly through the editor (Unity 5.6.4f1)

When I build on cloud build, I get alarming warnings of this ilk

ArgumentException: The Assembly Facebook.Unity.Settings is referenced by Facebook.Unity ('Assets/FacebookSDK/Plugins/Facebook.Unity.dll'). But the dll is not allowed to be included or could not be found.

or errors

error CS1704: An assembly with the same name Facebook.Unity.Settings has already been imported. Consider removing one of the references or sign the assembly

I noticed a question here:


but couldn’t resolve the issue using suggestions there.

This seems to still happen in Unity 2017.4.5f1 or Unity 2018.

Adding the Facebook SDK version 7.12 results in Unity Cloud Build failing on Android every time. This is an otherwise empty project.

More info on the other thread: https://forum.unity.com/threads/facebook-unity-settings-has-already-been-imported-error.467925/page-2

Still happen to me ,2017.4.13 ,on cloud build . Can any one give me a solution ??

Not worked for me ,such as ProjectSetting “facebookSdkVersion:plugin” or “facebookSdkVersion:xxx” .